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Update status ac di aplikasi kalau ac on/off lewat remote ac sendiri

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  • Update status ac di aplikasi kalau ac on/off lewat remote ac sendiri

    halo semua

    saya berhasil konek bardi smart IR ke ac Daikin, tapi gimana caranya ya supaya kalo ac menyala dari remote ac sendiri, status ac nya di aplikasi SmartLife juga ikutan on. kalau off juga ikutan off. karena saya gak bisa tahu ac fisiknya di lantai atas mati apa tidak lewat aplikasi.
    sekarang kalau mau mastiin ac lantai atas mati, saya kira2 on 5 detik terus off lagi

    thank you

  • #2
    memang benar bro
    Ir remote sifatnya trigger 1 arah, jadi apabila ada perubahan pada ac yang ditrigger melalui remote fisik tidak otomatis mengupdate status di ir remote
    Kalau saya lebih senang pakai command di google assistant karena triggernya akan fix sesuai perintah
    Dalam kondisi apapun, ir remote akan mentrigger ac supaya mati


    • #3
      Hello everyone, I've connected Bardi Smart IR to my Daikin AC, but how can I ensure the AC status in the SmartLife app updates when I use the physical remote? Currently, I can't tell if the upstairs AC is off without checking physically, and I have to turn it on for 5 seconds and then off again to be sure. Thank you.


      • #4
        Originally posted by RowanJack View Post
        Hello everyone, I've connected Bardi Smart IR to my Daikin AC, but how can I ensure the AC status in the SmartLife app updates when I use the physical remote? Currently, I can't tell if the upstairs AC is off without checking physically, and I have to turn it on for 5 seconds and then off again to be sure. Thank you.
        I have same question too. Today I'm just solved this problem. I'm using Bardi Smart IR with Remote 19. You should try my suggest.

